The Real Virus Is Fear

The Real Virus Is Fear

I walked through the Hong Kong airport last Monday, half-full restaurants, empty flights, and everyone was wearing a breathing mask. I had purchased a 3M N95 rated sanding mask at Lowe’s before I left Fort Worth. The flight attendant said to me, “That’s a really nice mask.” I said, “Thank you.” (The very first time I’ve been complimented on a wardrobe choice.)  But, I did wear it – and wiped down surfaces and used hand sanitizer every few minutes. Everyone I encountered was living in fear.

Do This Instead of Making New Years Resolutions

Do This Instead of Making New Years Resolutions

You are a master negotiator. You can negotiate yourself out of any good decision. And what’s somewhat ironic for me is that any bad decision in my life has one constant—I was there. Feel that way, too? To get the positive results you want in 2020, spend THREE MINUTES reading this then join me for 10 days starting with communion on January 1…click below.

Seven Habits That Build Spiritual Endurance

Seven Habits That Build Spiritual Endurance

Happy New Year! Why is it happy? Because Jesus arrived! He came to set people free…and it took his all to make that happen. Before his crucifixion, Jesus experienced such deep stress that he sweated out blood. It was violent, gritty, difficult, seemingly impossible. But the sacrifice and determination of Christ brought about our salvation and our freedom.

America. Strong or in Decline?

America. Strong or in Decline?

This week the USA celebrates its founding. Fourth of July is a tremendous holiday to thank God for His sovereign blessing. This nation was founded on mutual respect, honor, brotherhood and the Word of God. The strength of America is not based on economic prowess or military might—the true strength of America is based on its generosity. Generosity is always the product of love, and love comes from men and women who are willing to follow truth. Truth isn’t a philosophy. Truth is a person—Jesus Christ. That Truth is the core that will keep America strong, and the rejection of that core will hasten its decline.

The Father's Blessing

The Father's Blessing

Cooled by the breezes of the Mediterranean, in a house made from the mud bricks of the Nile River, deep in the beautiful Rameses valley in Egypt the patriarch Jacob rests on a couch, nearing the end of his life. His son Joseph arrives bringing with him his two sons and asking that they be blessed by their grandfather. Genesis Chapter 48 records his words: